On August 24, 2015 as part of the Moral Monday series, 22 JASC leaders and allies risk arrest against devastating cuts to Community Care, a program that keeps seniors living independently and out of nursing homes.
JASC leader Reggie traveled to Iowa in January ahead of the Iowa caucuses to share his story on retirement security. Social Security will be a crucial issue in this year's elections, and JASC plans to educate voters on the importance of protecting and expanding our earned benefit program.
Instead, Victor spoke on the State of OUR State in Springfield, urging the Governor and our state legislators to pass progressive revenue such as the Fair Tax, and to end the cuts once and for all!
For more information about Medicare for All, contact Lilly at Lilly@seniorcaucus.org.
JASC Healthcare and Economic Justice Committee will build the power of organized seniors and their families to pass cutting edge health care and economic policies that allow seniors to age with dignity in their own homes.
Access to health care is one of the most significant factors to ensuring that individuals become and stay healthy. To address the growing health care and long term care needs in our communities, Jane Addams Senior Caucus’ Health Care and Economic Justice Team will build upon our legacy of winning landmark health care and community care victories.
Health Care and Economic Justice Goals:
Medicare For All: Build the momentum to advance universal health care equity by passing Medicare for All
Universal Long Term Care: Build the momentum to introduce Universal Home Care for all seniors and people with disabilities in 2021
Nursing Home Reform: Develop nursing home campaign aimed at improving the wages, benefits and working conditions of nursing home workers and living conditions in nursing home residents
Led state-wide campaign that won passage of legislation that ensures homemaker services on the weekends & evenings, flexible hours and increases in the kind of personal care that homemakers are trained to provide.
Worked successfully to increase the Community Care Program’s Asset Limit from $10,000 to $17,500 which allows more seniors to be able to access the Community Care Program.
March to Springfield for a People and Planet Budget;
Organized successful to pass Nursing Home Reform Legislation that included raising staffing level minimums up to 3.8 per resident a day;
Organized with SEIU Homecare to win significant pay increases for homemakers.
JASC and our allies led a dramatic die- in and disrupted the American Medical Association’s House of Delegates conference in Chicago that put pressure on the AMA to eventually cut their ties with Partnership for America’s Health Care Future which actively lobbies against Medicare for All.
JASC leaders and student interns travel to Springfield to protest the Governor's misguided address on January 27th.