Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Senior Care Alliance Working Group Meeting
Please join us for a meeting of the Senior Care Alliance working group!
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or call 773-816-1653.

Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Senior Care Alliance Meeting
Please join us for a meeting of the Senior Care Alliance Working Group.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or to RSVP.

Senior Care Alliance Meeting
It is a critical time to build the new care infrastructure that seniors deserve! The Jane Addams Senior Care Collective has been working on various levels to ensure that seniors receive the support they need to stay in their communities and also that caregivers and homemakers receive living wages. We believe that seniors should have a choice to stay in their homes and not be forced into an institution.
Last year, we pushed hard in support of the Build Back Better agenda which includes funding for home and community based services on the national level that has the potential to drastically improve the care landscape for people who need care and caregivers!Join us in this new year to start the process to narrow our campaign.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or call 773-816-1653.

Senior Care Alliance 1:1 Training
Please join us for a training on how to have a successful organizer one-on-one.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or to RSVP.

Care Collective: Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Senior Care Alliance Meeting
Please join us for a meeting of the Senior Care Alliance Working Group.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or to RSVP.

Care Collective: Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.
Marsha Cole Virtual Memorial
Last week, the Jane Addams Senior Caucus community lost an important member of our community: Marsha Cole. On Sunday December 19th, 2021 we will gather as a community to honor Marsha's legacy and be together as a community.
Here's more about Marsha Cole from one of her friends and fellow JASC members, Lillie Young:
We at the Jane Addams Senior Caucus and Jane Addams Seniors in Action have lost a good friend, colleague and ally on December 8, 2021 when she slipped away from us after a long and painful battle against covid19 and pneumonia. The locomotive of death outran us - we could not stop it though we prayed for a miracle.
May you rest in peace Marsha. As you continue your journey, we will continue the fight for justice and equality for everyone.

Senior Care Alliance Meeting
Please join us for a meeting of the Senior Care Alliance.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org or for more information or to RSVP.

Gender and Sexuality Training
Join Chicago Women's Health Center's Scout Bratt and JASC leaders to explore ways we can create inclusive, supportive, and expansive organization spaces. We'll be focusing on gender-expansiveness and LGBTQ+ inclusivity. In addition to discussing terms and definitions, we'll talk about how JASC can further the efforts of gender justice as we organize together!

Giving Tuesday
Thanks to a matching grant from the Retirement Research Foundation, donations made to JASC on Giving Tuesday will be MATCHED! Stay tuned for more info, and get ready to give!
If you would like to join our fundraising team and spread the word about this huge day of giving, please reach out to Saskia at 312-787-2382 x227 or email saskia@seniorcaucus.org.

Care Collective: Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Learn to Lead Healing Circles: Train the Trainer Part II
The trainings will take place on Tuesday, November 16th at 2:30-4:30 and Thursday, November 18th at 10am-noon. Members must attend BOTH parts for successful completion as 2021 Healing Circle leads!
The Caucus started Healing Circles at the beginning of the pandemic following the passing of a beloved member, Frank Hill. The Circles began as a space for members to keep connected to community and express the complexity of emotions experienced during this uncertain time.
The Circles have evolved to be member-led and we are inviting more members to be trained to become facilitators to help us continue this important space for healing. This is a two part training that will include topics such as the origin and history of Healing Circles, facilitation of Healing Circles, and structure of the Healing Circles.
Members who complete the two part training will join our 2021 Healing Circle cohort and will go on to co-lead our monthly Circles with another leader (and staff support). Any member that has attended one or more Healing Circle is eligible to attend the training.
For any questions, please contact Becky at Becky@seniorcaucus.org or at 773-816-1653.

Senior Care Alliance Meeting
Please join us for a joint meeting of the Senior Care Alliance and Nursing Homes Working Groups.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or to RSVP.

Learn to Lead Healing Circles: Train the Trainer Part I
The trainings will take place on Tuesday, November 16th at 2:30-4:30 and Thursday, November 18th at 10am-noon. Members must attend BOTH parts for successful completion as 2021 Healing Circle leads!
The Caucus started Healing Circles at the beginning of the pandemic following the passing of a beloved member, Frank Hill. The Circles began as a space for members to keep connected to community and express the complexity of emotions experienced during this uncertain time.
The Circles have evolved to be member-led and we are inviting more members to be trained to become facilitators to help us continue this important space for healing. This is a two part training that will include topics such as the origin and history of Healing Circles, facilitation of Healing Circles, and structure of the Healing Circles.
Members who complete the two part training will join our 2021 Healing Circle cohort and will go on to co-lead our monthly Circles with another leader (and staff support). Any member that has attended one or more Healing Circle is eligible to attend the training.
For any questions, please contact Becky at Becky@seniorcaucus.org or at 773-816-1653.

Care Collective: Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Care Collective: Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Action Alert: Fight for Home and Community Based Services!
We are calling out the corporations that are standing in the way of our communities getting what we need from Congress. We know that seniors deserve to age with dignity in their own homes and communities! We want Medicare to include critical dental, vision, and hearing care! More details about the action and the location will be coming soon!
This action will take place in partnership with ONE Northside and People’s Action.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information.
Not sure what HCBS are? Check out the video below for a simple explanation!

Senior Care Alliance Teach-In ft. SEIU
Attend our Senior Care Alliance Teach In led by SEIU to learn more about the Build Back Better Plan.
Questions? Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org or call 773-816-1653.

A Beginner's Guide to Claiming Social Security
From our friends at AARP Chicago:
It can be tough to know where to start when it comes to understanding the process and your eligibility, to learning how continuing to work could affect your benefits. Register for our free virtual seminar, designed especially for those in your state who have not yet claimed their Social Security benefits.
Register here.

Healing Circle Host Training - Part II
Healing Circle Two-Part Training
The Caucus started Healing Circles at the beginning of the pandemic to provide space for members to keep connected to community and express the complexity of emotions experienced during this uncertain time.
The Circles have evolved to be member-led and we are inviting more members to be trained to become facilitators to help us continue this important space for healing. This is a two part training and will include the following topics: the origin and history , facilitation, and structure of Healing Circles.
The trainings will take place on Monday, September 13th from 11-1pm and Wednesday, September 15th from 11-1pm. Members must attend both parts for successful completion into the 2021 Healing Circle cohort!
Members who complete the two part training will join our 2021 Healing Circle cohort and will go on to co-lead our monthly Circles with another leader (and staff support). Any member that has attended one or more Healing Circles is eligible to attend the training. For any questions, please contact Becky at Becky@seniorcaucus.org or at 773-816-1653.
Register for the training here.
For those who cannot attend both sessions, we will have another two part training in October.

Healing Circle Host Training - Part I
Healing Circle Two-Part Training
The Caucus started Healing Circles at the beginning of the pandemic to provide space for members to keep connected to community and express the complexity of emotions experienced during this uncertain time.
The Circles have evolved to be member-led and we are inviting more members to be trained to become facilitators to help us continue this important space for healing. This is a two part training and will include the following topics: the origin and history , facilitation, and structure of Healing Circles.
The trainings will take place on Monday, September 13th from 11-1pm and Wednesday, September 15th from 11-1pm. Members must attend both parts for successful completion into the 2021 Healing Circle cohort!
Members who complete the two part training will join our 2021 Healing Circle cohort and will go on to co-lead our monthly Circles with another leader (and staff support). Any member that has attended one or more Healing Circles is eligible to attend the training. For any questions, please contact Becky at Becky@seniorcaucus.org or at 773-816-1653.
Register for the training here.
For those who cannot attend both sessions, we will have another two part training in October.