Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Senior Care Alliance Working Group Meeting
Please join us for a meeting of the Senior Care Alliance working group!
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or call 773-816-1653.

Housing Committee Meeting
The Housing Committee meets monthly for presentations, trainings, and to build relationships. Join us on zoom to take action for housing justice!
For more information, email Marlene: Marlene@seniorcaucus.org.

Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Senior Care Alliance Meeting
Please join us for a meeting of the Senior Care Alliance Working Group.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or to RSVP.

Care in Every Building Meeting
For decades, senior services in the City of Chicago have been cut. The Covid-19 pandemic further exposed the lack of care services for seniors. JASC is in a pivotal moment to fight to fund care services for seniors in Chicago and beyond. Join us in this research phase to develop this campaign to expand comprehensive care services!
Questions? Email Katrina@seniorcaucus.org.

Housing Committee Meeting
The Housing Committee meets monthly for presentations, trainings, and to build relationships. Join us on zoom to take action for housing justice!
For more information, email Marlene: Marlene@seniorcaucus.org.

Senior Care Alliance Meeting
It is a critical time to build the new care infrastructure that seniors deserve! The Jane Addams Senior Care Collective has been working on various levels to ensure that seniors receive the support they need to stay in their communities and also that caregivers and homemakers receive living wages. We believe that seniors should have a choice to stay in their homes and not be forced into an institution.
Last year, we pushed hard in support of the Build Back Better agenda which includes funding for home and community based services on the national level that has the potential to drastically improve the care landscape for people who need care and caregivers!Join us in this new year to start the process to narrow our campaign.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or call 773-816-1653.

JASC 45th Anniversary Celebration!
Join Jane Addams Senior Caucus as we celebrate
our 45th Anniversary virtually on February 16th at 7 pm CST.
We are so excited to bring together our leaders, friends, and allies to mark this moment with us, and raise a toast to all that we have accomplished!
As we continue to move through the pandemic, gathering virtually to share stories, checking in with each other, and recommitting to the work ahead is so critical. If you're a JASC member, please consider inviting your friends and family to join us and hear about the amazing work we have done together!
Click here to purchase tickets, become a sponsor, or to sign up to be on the host committee.

Senior Care Alliance 1:1 Training
Please join us for a training on how to have a successful organizer one-on-one.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or to RSVP.

Care Collective: Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Senior Care Alliance Meeting
Please join us for a meeting of the Senior Care Alliance Working Group.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or to RSVP.

Housing Committee Meeting
The Housing Committee meets monthly for presentations, trainings, and to build relationships. Join us on zoom to take action for housing justice!
For more information, email Marlene: Marlene@seniorcaucus.org.
To register, click here.

Care Collective: Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.
Marsha Cole Virtual Memorial
Last week, the Jane Addams Senior Caucus community lost an important member of our community: Marsha Cole. On Sunday December 19th, 2021 we will gather as a community to honor Marsha's legacy and be together as a community.
Here's more about Marsha Cole from one of her friends and fellow JASC members, Lillie Young:
We at the Jane Addams Senior Caucus and Jane Addams Seniors in Action have lost a good friend, colleague and ally on December 8, 2021 when she slipped away from us after a long and painful battle against covid19 and pneumonia. The locomotive of death outran us - we could not stop it though we prayed for a miracle.
May you rest in peace Marsha. As you continue your journey, we will continue the fight for justice and equality for everyone.

Senior Care Alliance Meeting
Please join us for a meeting of the Senior Care Alliance.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org or for more information or to RSVP.

Care Collective: Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Senior Care Alliance Meeting
Please join us for a joint meeting of the Senior Care Alliance and Nursing Homes Working Groups.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or to RSVP.

Care Collective: Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Care Collective: Nursing Home Working Group Meeting
The Nursing Home Working Group will meet to discuss the Nursing Home Industry teach-in, building our base, and to begin talking about possible campaigns.
For more information or to RSVP, email Inbal@seniorcaucus.org.

Senior Care Alliance Teach-In ft. SEIU
Attend our Senior Care Alliance Teach In led by SEIU to learn more about the Build Back Better Plan.
Questions? Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org or call 773-816-1653.

Senior Care Alliance Meeting
Please join us for a meeting of the Senior Care Alliance Working Group.
Email Becky@seniorcaucus.org for more information or to RSVP.

All Member Meeting
Join us for our All Member Meeting for our first Imagination Session for the National Tenants Bill of Rights. Members will begin to dream up what might be included in a National Tenant Bill of Rights and contribute to this critical stepping stone on the path to a Homes Guarantee.
Email Kira@seniorcaucus.org or Kelly@seniorcaucus.org for more information or to RSVP.